This blog will be used to display the best work created during life drawing and each drawing assignment set within lectures.
Week One.
We will start with the first week's life drawing. This was entirely done using a soft pencil and involved drawing out life model in a wide variety of poses. Due to the nature of the drawing material and the quality of the digital camera, lighter images may be hard to see. I will rectify this in the close future once a higher quality one has been located.
This image was drawn in our first half hour pose. I managed to get the proportions generally correct but due to poor time management and confusion, i did not get very much detail beyond the figure drawn.
These three sketches were by far the most successfully drawn from the entire session. The figure on the left is poorly visible so i will re-upload this as soon as possible but as you can see from the middle and right drawings, i drew simple boxes to represent limbs and linked them using simple, darker curved lines. This made the drawing process much easier and allowed me to draw a fair few complicated poses without many issues. Each pose took five minutes to draw and greatly helped me visualise life as a selection of simple shapes.
Chess Piece
For the chess piece assignment/ general drawing practise i took the idea of the tower. The piece by default is supposed to be a large, emotionless tower with the ability to move any number of squares but only at 90 degree angles. Positioned at the side of the board, they are perfect for both flanking and defending but hit and run tactics/ techniques may be difficult as their path can very easily by blocked. My creation attempts to reflect all of these points, down to both its appearance and characteristics.
For example; a tower may also be seen as the most defencive unit which in turn could reflect on the shield of any smaller unit. Instead of my unit holding a defencive item such as a shield, it has become the shield, a structure whilst also keeping the basic human elements. With its towering figure, it could very easily be seen walking directly through other units in a straight line but due to the size of its visor, diagonal movements would be near impossible, leaving it vulnerable. It takes the form of an very scrappy industrialised armoured suit, utilising makeshift armour and welding equipment in an attempt to create a towering chunk of metal.
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